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Steps for CCP

  1. Attend or view an Information Session. Found Here --------> CLICK
  2. Submit the Letter of Intent and Letter of Counsel to Crestview Schools, found under the forms tab. (Deadline is April 1st, do not wait till the deadline) (This must be done each and every year)
  3. Apply to your selected University by attending an application day (if available) held here at Crestview, with all required paperwork turned into the counselor's office, prior to said application day or deadline. Each College may have different deadlines know your deadlines. (know your SS #)
  4. Make sure placement tests are completed by deadlines, we will be hosting testing days here at Crestview. Students must check their College Emails. (Communicate with Counselor as needed)
  5. Schedule classes that meet graduation requirements and fit within your schedule of other courses using the information provided at (Communicate with the counselor as needed)
  6. Review Information on the CCP tab for frequently asked questions and program information. 

When a student selects CCP as part of their educational plans, the student and family are stating they are ready for College Level work and responsibility. The student is the driver of this program with Crestview and the University as supports in the process, it takes a very independent and mature learner to be successful in this program. Parents and high schools will have very little access to the college campus and online course information. 

Please note: The subject matter of a course enrolled in under CCP may include mature subject matter or materials, including those of a graphic, violent, or sexual nature, that will not be modified based upon participating in CCP or where the class is taught - including at the high school.