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Counseling Session Overview from slideshow

The counseling session must occur before the student participates in the College Credit Plus program.

  • Each public and participating nonpublic secondary school shall do all of the following with respect to the College Credit Plus program:
    • Provide counseling services to students in grades six through eleven and to their parents before the students participate in the program to ensure that students and parents are fully aware of the possible consequences and benefits of participation.


  • Counseling information shall include:
  • Program eligibility; If you are an Ohio student in grades 7-12 you can apply for College Credit Plus admission to any Ohio public or participating private college. The college will determine your eligibility and admit you based on your college-readiness in one or more subject areas. Your school counselor can help you understand your options, deadlines, and how to proceed. You may not participate in the College Credit Plus program beyond your anticipated high school graduation date.
  • The process for granting academic credits; Thanks to Ohio’s Transfer to Degree Guarantee, many entry-level courses earned at an Ohio public college are guaranteed to transfer to any other Ohio public college. Credits earned at private colleges, or those that you want to transfer to an out-of-state institution, will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the institution you are seeking to attend. Go to the Ohio Transfer to Degree Guarantee ( website to learn more about credit transfer among the state’s public institutions of higher education. This tool allows you to find the best pathways to completing your degree and launching a successful career. Earning college credit will not affect applications for financial aid/scholarships limited to entering freshmen.

College Credit Plus allows high school students to earn college credit and apply that credit toward their high school graduation requirements. Successful completion of a three or more credit-hour college course will result in 1.0 Carnegie unit earned at the high school. A two credit-hour college course will earn students 2/3 of a high school credit and a one credit-hour college course will convert to 1/3 of a high school credit.

  • Any necessary financial arrangements for tuition, textbooks, and fees; The State of Ohio provides funds through the state operating budget for students to participate in College Credit Plus. CCP students from public secondary schools who attend a public college are not required to pay for college course tuition, instructional tools, fees, or supplies. Nonpublic students must apply for funding in order to receive state funded College Credit Plus course tuition. Homeschool students are responsible for providing their own coursework materials ("textbooks"), but may apply for state funding for tuition. For more information, visit this page on the ODE website(

Secondary (public and non-public) schools are responsible for providing coursework materials ("textbooks") for their CCP students. The postsecondary institution must waive fees for these students and is also responsible for providing supplemental supplies required by the course syllabus.

Students choosing to attend a private college may be charged a limited amount by that college, depending on where the course is delivered, and in accordance with state law. (Reference ORC 3365.07) Students who are economically disadvantaged may not have to pay costs to attend a private college. Please talk with your school counselor for details.

A school district or nonpublic school may seek reimbursement from students/families under the following two circumstances: 1) If the student receives a failing grade at the end of the college course; or 2) If the student withdraws from the college course after the 14th calendar day after the particular course began, unless the student is identified as being economically disadvantaged in accordance with Ohio Administrative Code 3333‐1‐65.6(B)(2).

  • Criteria for any transportation aid; Responsibility for transportation rests with the student.
  • Available support services; Those available to all students
  • Scheduling; Colleges many times have more sections of course and therefore more flexibility the high school schedule once made will be used to ensure that between CCP and High School classes students work toward and earn there Diploma.
  • Communicating the possible consequences and benefits of participation, including all of the following:
    • The consequences of failing or not completing a course under the program, including the effect on the student's ability to complete the secondary school's graduation requirements; Classes failed or withdrawn with an “F” (or equivalent failing grade) will receive an “F” on the high school and college transcripts and will be computed into the high school and college GPA. If you do not receive a passing grade, the district may, in some instances, seek reimbursement from you for the amount of state funds paid to the college on your behalf for that college course. The school district may withhold grades and credits received for high school courses taken until reimbursement has been made.


  • The effect of the grade attained in a course under the program being included in the student's grade point average, as applicable; High school credit awarded for courses successfully completed under College Credit Plus will appear on your high school transcript. Courses successfully completed under College Credit Plus must be listed by course title on the high school transcript. All College Credit Plus courses will be computed into the GPA using the same scale as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or honors courses in your district,


  • The benefits to the student for successfully completing a course under the program, including the ability to reduce the overall costs of, and the amount of time required for, a college education. College Credit Plus provides more options for you to pursue rigorous academic coursework beyond the high school classroom. Under College Credit Plus, you can complete college courses toward a degree or certificate, or explore college content that interests you. Earning college credits while you’re in high school can reduce the time and cost of attending college after high school.


  • The academic and social responsibilities of students and parents under the program; You will be expected to follow the rules and regulations set by the college/university. You will also be expected to follow the rules and regulations set for high school students detailed in the student handbook. Once enrolled, you are eligible to receive advising from campus-based support services of that institution. Additionally, you will continue to have access to your school counselor and all other resources available to high school students. Participation in College Credit Plus does not guarantee you admission to college after high school. You should follow the regular undergraduate application process for whatever college you plan to attend after high school.


  • Information about and encouragement to use the counseling services of the college in which the student intends to enroll;
  • The standard packet of information for the program developed by the Chancellor of the Ohio Department of Higher Education. (See the page for the Information Session PowerPoint presentation.)


  • Secondary schools must also provide information of the administrative rules of Course Eligibility (OAC 3333-1-65.12) and Underperforming Students (OAC 3333-1-65.13).


  • Information about Options A and B to include the following details:

Public Schools

option A: The student/family will be financially responsible for tuition and the cost of all textbooks, materials, and fees associated with the College Credit Plus course.

  • The student must inform the secondary school whether the student wants to receive college credit only or high school and college credit.

option b: The state of Ohio is financially responsible for the eligible course(s) in which the student chooses to enroll.

  • If Option B is selected, the funding for the course will be deducted from the secondary school and redirected to the college.
  • The student will receive high school and college credit.

Combination of Options A & B: Student/family chooses to be responsible for all tuition, textbooks, materials, and fees for one or more courses.  If this option is chosen, the student must inform the college which course(s) will be under Option A and which will be under option B.

Students must inform the college of the choice of Option A or B when registering for courses. Students must inform the secondary school of whether the student wants to receive both high school and college credits or only high school credits.

  • The final date to change the election of Option A or Option B is on or before the college’s no-fault withdrawal date


  • The final date to change the election of Option A or Option B is on or before the college’s no-fault withdrawal date


The student and the student’s parent shall sign a form, provided by the school, stating that they have received the counseling required and that they understand the responsibilities they must assume in the program.