If you’re taking the SAT soon, you can start preparing today with questions from real SATs. After all, we believe all students who want to go to college should be able to prepare for the SAT at their own pace, at absolutely no cost. Download a real, full-length SAT practice test, watch Sal work through real SAT problems, and get even more practice using our interactive exercises, which feature tons of previously-unreleased problems from real SATs grouped by topic and difficulty level. If you feel like you need to brush up on fundamentals, check out the Algebra mission, which will help you master core concepts covered on the SAT, in college, and beyond at your own pace. If you’re taking the SAT in 2016 or later, we have even more exciting news for you. The College Board just announced that they’re redesigning the SAT for 2016, and we’re partnering with them to make free, world-class prep materials. By spring 2015, you’ll have access to state-of-the-art learning tools--exercises, software diagnostics and videos--designed by Khan Academy and College Board specifically for the redesigned SAT. Stay tuned!
SAT Reasoning Test*
The SAT Reasoning Test measures general scholastic aptitude in verbal and quantitative reasoning.
Your personal SAT Companion Prep Course!
Our SAT Companion provides personal tutoring, with immediate feedback on every incorrect answer. It automatically adapts to your personal skill level and can even remind you via e-mail of what's best to study next! Each time you log on you'll be taken to your own homepage that tracks how much you've studied, and how well you're doing. You will also be able to use our vocabulary builder which challenges you to learn new words and allows you to build up your own set of electronic flashcards. Sign up now, or check out comments from other students.
Are you a parent or teacher? You can help a student who is preparing for the SAT by signing up as a coach.
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Use our interactive course and practice tests to get great scores on your SAT*! Open one of the resources below or click here to get started.