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Free ACT Online Prep For High School Students

In the past 5 years the number of students taking the ACT increased by 19%, reaching 1.92 million students in 2015. That’s 59% of the graduating class. More students are now taking the ACT than the SAT!

Deciding whether to take the ACT vs the SAT, or even to take both, can be a difficult decision for all students, and once that decision is made they must still navigate the registration process and study for the exam. Luckily, our experts at recently created a comprehensive guide for taking the ACT

We break down all aspects of the ACT for students, including special segments that cover:

The upcoming holiday season is prime time for preparing for college entrance exams.

American College Test (ACT)

The ACT tests students in English, reading, mathematics, and science reasoning.

Your personal ACT Companion Prep Course!

Our ACT Companion provides personal tutoring, with immediate feedback on every incorrect answer. It automatically adapts to your personal skill level and can even remind you via e-mail of what's best to study next! Each time you log on you'll be taken to your own homepage that tracks how much you've studied, and how well you're doing. You will also be able to use our vocabulary builder which challenges you to learn new words and allows you to build up your own set of electronic flashcards. Sign up now, or check out comments from other students.

Are you a parent or teacher? You can help a student who is preparing for the ACT by signing up as a coach.

Want a preview? Try a brief demonstration.


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Use our practice tests and interactive course to get great scores on your ACT®! Open one of the resources below or click here to get started.