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Special Services



Special Services

Address: 44100 Crestview Rd. Suite A
Columbiana, Ohio 44408
Telephone: (330) 482-5526 ext. 40165


Special Education Contacts


Medicaid Funding

The Medicaid Program now allows Crestivew Local Schools to receive Medicaid funding for eligible services provided to students with disabilities. The eligible services covered in school districts include occupational and physical therapy, speech/language therapy, audiology, nursing, school psychology, and counselor and social work services. This program is knows as the Ohio Medicaid School Program (OMSP) and the Crestview Local Schools is a designated health care provider under this program. 

Annual Notice


Special Education Procedural Safeguards Notice

Special education, for students ages 3 to 21, is guided by federal and state requirements. The federal requirements are referred to as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The state requirements are referred to as the Ohio Operating Standards for the Education of Children with Disabilities (Ohio Operating Standards). This guide can help you understand your rights and your child’s rights according to IDEA and the Ohio Operating Standards. It also gives you information and resources to help you understand your child’s special education supports and services.

Special Education Procedural Safeguards Notice 

Section 504 

Procedural Safeguards Notice


Alternate Assessment