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Board of Education

Board Agenda


The Crestview Board of Education encourages school staff and interested citizens of the school district to attend its meetings. Regular meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month, at 6:00 P.M. 

What Is the Board of Education

Crestview, like all other schools in Ohio, is governed by a Board of Education of elected citizens. Crestview's Board of Education is charged by Ohio law to set policies and develop rules and regulations which guarantee that Crestview offers the best possible education for our students. Each Board member is elected to a four (4) year term in office. The Board annually elects a President and Vice President from their membership.

What does the Board of Education do?

The Crestview Board of Education represents you, the citizens and taxpayers of our district, in establishing a sound educational philosophy, developing responsible financial plans and spending practices, encouraging quality instruction, and offering an appropriate curriculum. The Board sets goals and guidelines which provide leadership and direction to meet the educational needs of the community. 

What is the order of business at a Board of Education meeting?

Board meetings follow an established agenda.
The order of business is:

-Pledge of Allegiance

-Call to Order & Roll

-Public Participation

-Approval of Minutes

-Treasurer's Reports

-Committee Reports

-Administrative Reports

-Superintendent's Report

-Executive Session (if required)


Who Prepares the Agenda?

The Superintendent, in cooperation with the Board President, is responsible for preparing the agenda for each meeting. Agendas for the public are available from the Superintendent's office on the day of the regular Board meeting.


How can you participate

The Crestview Board of Education encourages members of the district to express their ideas, viewpoints, and concerns at regular Board meetings. Because the purpose of the Board is to conduct the business of the district, the meetings must follow the prepared agenda. Public participation will be recognized only during the proper time on the agenda according to Board Policy. All visitors wishing to address the Board are required to register one-half (1/2) hour before the start of the meeting. All visitors will be limited to five minutes for their address, and a maximum of 30 minutes of public participation will be permitted at each meeting. Specific rules governing public participation in board meetings is provided in Board Policy 0169.


Decision on issues raised by the public?

A routine question may be answered at the time it is posed. More complex matters may require sufficient time for study and consideration. Specific situations will be referred to the administration for investigation and review. If policy action is required, the matter must be scheduled by the Board on a future agenda.

Board Actions

When an item of business comes before the Board in the form of a motion, the Board shall act independently in casting their votes either for or against the motion. The Board has complete and final authority over local school matters subject only to the limitations imposed by state law and regulations set by the state and local Boards of Education. The Board has no authority to act outside of an open session at an officially called meeting. No one person or group of persons acts in the name of the Board.

Executive Sessions

Ohio law permits the Board to hold an executive session during their meetings. During these sessions, the Board may discuss personnel matters, pending or imminent court action, purchase of property for public purposes, negotiations with employees, and matters to be kept confidential by federal law or state statutes. The Board is not permitted to take any action during the executive session. 

Strategic Plan

The Crestview Local School District Strategic Plan is designed to provide a framework for the development of a continuous improvement plan for each school. The criteria used to develop this plan include:

-A focus on increased student achievement

-Research-based content

-Data based decisions

-Emphasis placed on quality and equity

-Improvement focused on the entire school district

-A collaborative, on-going, and continuous planning process


District Beliefs

We believe:

-Every child is an individual with different needs, wants, and abilities 

-A clean, safe, and healthy learning environment is essential for student and staff achievement

-Communication between the school and the community should be on-going, relevant, open and honest

-Education will encourage students to strive for their dreams

-Learning is a life-long process

-All children can learn and they are entitled to an excellent education

-The role of the community is to provide financial, social and spiritual support to our children as they pursue their education

-The role of the school, students and family is to work collaboratively to be active participants in education

-Every child learns differently and the role of the school is to identify their learning abilities and to inspire them to achieve their full potential

-Every child must be challenged to achieve their fullest potential

-The role of the family is to encourage and support their child in education

It is the goal of the Crestview Local School District to analyze and reinforce those activities which will contribute to achieving higher levels of student success.